Advanced Postnatal Education
Prerequisite Required: The PBi Placenta Encapsulation Specialist® Training Course is a prerequisite for the Certification Course.
Please review the Certification requirements overview before enrolling in this course.
Additional Requirements for PBi Certification
Once you are done with the main PBi Placenta Encapsulation Training Course, you are not yet PBi Certified. There are a few more steps to earn your full Certification.
- Take the PBi Certification Course
- Complete 3 placenta encapsulations using the PBi method of encapsulation
- Turn in 3 certification survey forms completed by your clients - must be WITHIN 6 MONTHS of submission
- Obtain a food handler's card from your state or province
- Complete a Bloodborne Pathogens training course
- Agree to abide by PBi's Code of Conduct (required for US and UK Specialists, recommended for all)
- Renew your Certification every year (1 certification survey form required annually for renewal; current food handler's card from your state)
All of these steps and information are available in the Certification Course. Once you are ready to move forward with your PBi Certification, we will help you get there!
Please note: this course is free for PBi members at the Premium and Standard levels, and is only available after you have completed the Placenta Encapsulation Training Course.