This module gets you up close and personal with the placenta. You'll discover how the placenta works during pregnancy, and be able to accurately identify many of the variations you are likely to encounter during your work as a Placenta Encapsulation Specialist.
- Overview of the Placenta
- Placental Development
- Functions of the Placenta
- Placental Variations
Learning Objectives:
By the end of this module, you should be able to
- Describe how the placenta provides nutrients to and eliminates waste from the baby
- Name the vessels in the umbilical cord
- Identify the layers of the membranes
- Describe 3 different types of cord insertions
- Compare and contrast circumvallate and circummarginate placentas
- Compare and contrast succenturiate and bilobed placentas
- Identify and describe infarcts and calcification, and explain how they form
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